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Avant Browser

Avant Browser 2018 Build 7

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Avant Force - 4.33MB (免費軟件)
Avant瀏覽器是一個旨在擴大Internet Explorer提供功能的獨立應用程序。它增加了大量的特性和功能,以IE和其友好的用戶界面帶來的清晰度和效率的一個新的水平,以你的瀏覽體驗,以及頻繁的升級穩步提高其可靠性。 Avant瀏覽器是免費的。這是正確的。100%免費!沒有你的成本不斷。沒有限制。否廣告軟件。沒有間諜軟件​​。您可以捐 ...

Avira Scout

Avira Scout 17.5.3029.2702

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Avira GmbH - 4.57MB (免費軟件)
Avira Scout is fast and secure Chromium-based browser, which provides a wide array of options that protect your system, and gives you a more secure environment for browsing the ...

Baidu Spark Browser

Baidu Spark Browser 43.23.1000.500

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Baidu - 45.96MB (免費軟件)
Baidu Spark Browser is based on Chromium, the same engine which runs Google Chrome. Although Baidu Spark Browser has a standard design, it does have some nice features such as c ...

Biometric Fingerprint Reader

Biometric Fingerprint Reader

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Productive Computing - 26.52MB (試商用)
Biometric Fingerprint Reader is a plug-in that allows for fast identification and secure verification capabilities which enable FileMaker ...



下載 閃電
Blisk Team - 49.82MB (免費軟件)
Blisk is a Chromium-based browser with essential tools for web development. Use it for simultaneous building and testing both desktop and mobile v ...

Brave Browser 32-bit

Brave Browser 0.63.55 (32-bit)

下載 Brave Browser 32-bit
Brave Software Inc. - 1.25MB (開源)
The new Brave browser automatically blocks ads and trackers, making it faster and safer than your current browser. It's amazing how fast ...

下載 Brave Browser 0.20.30 Dev (64-bit)


Cacaoweb 1.2

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Cacaoweb - 504KB (開源)
Cacaoweb is a free application and communication platform that enables you to store, access and search through your data. With Cacaoweb you can also communicate with your friends ...


ChillGlobal 1.0

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ChillGlobal - 20KB (試商用)
ChillGlobal is a small plugin for your web browser* that lets you browse the Internet without any geographical restrictions. It was created by a team of Swedish German digital te ...


Chromium 70.0.3553.0

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The Chromium Team - 124.65MB (開源)
Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, fa ...


Citrio 50.0.2661.275

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Citrio - 710KB (免費軟件)
Citrio是新一代,快速,高效的Web瀏覽器,由卡特琳娜集團有限公司Citrio開發的鉻基,這意味著它有來自於鉻開源項目的基本功能。此外,Citrio有一系列自己獨特的功能,使其成為一個不可缺少的工具,高品質的網頁瀏覽。瀏覽器是適用於Windows和Mac OS。Citrio是完全免費為個人和商業用途。 主要功能包括 ...


Adobe Reader Yahoo! Messenger Skype KMPlayer Internet Download Manager IDM ESET NOD32 AntiVirus ooVoo Flash Player IE Opera Google Chrome Firefox Google Earth jetAudio Basic Free Download Manager FDM iTunes TeamViewer 9.0.31064

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