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>> 瀏覽器和插件

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Comodo Dragon Internet Browser

Comodo Dragon Internet Browser 72.0.3626.121 32-bit

下載 科摩多龍的互聯網瀏覽器
Comodo - 83.46MB (開源)
科摩多龍是一種鉻技術為基礎的瀏覽器,為您提供所有的Chrome瀏覽器的功能,以及安全和隱私你只能從Comodo得到的空前的水平。包括隱私權比鉻技術提供了一個更高的水平。 產品特點: 過提高鉻隱私 容易的SSL證書標識 快速訪問網站 更大的穩定性,以及 ...

下載 Comodo Dragon Internet Browser 72.0.3626.121 64bit

Comodo IceDragon

Comodo IceDragon 32bit

下載 科摩多龍冰
Comodo - 78.37MB (免費軟件)

Cyberfox 32-bit

Cyberfox 52.3.0 (32-bit)

下載 Cyber​​fox 32位
8pecxstudios - 78.36MB (開源)
Cyberfox Web Browser is a web browser based on Mozilla Firefox with the intent of being fast, stable & reliable. It ships with many customizab ...

下載 Cyberfox 52.3.0 (64-bit)


Disconnect 5.18.25

下載 斷開
Disconnect - 20KB (免費軟件)
The Disconnect extension for Chrome is a great way to make your web experience faster, more private, and more secure. Disconnect lets you visualize and block invisible tracker we ...

Epic Privacy Browser

Epic Privacy Browser 71.0.3578.98

下載 史詩隱私瀏覽器
Hidden Reflex - 1.75MB (免費軟件)
Security is a big issue, and your privacy is a large part of it. There are a plethora of ways that you can ensure your privacy remains behind closed doors whilst browsing the w ...

Evernote Web Clipper

Evernote Web Clipper 7.10.0 Chrome Extension

下載 Evernote的網頁剪
Evernote Corporation - 20KB (免費軟件)
Use the Evernote Web Clipper Chrome extension to save the things you like on the web into your Evernote account. There is now no need to use bookmarks anymore, just use Evernote ...

Facebook Pro

Facebook Pro 3.0.8

下載 Facebook Pro
regedanzter - 4.66MB (免費軟件)
Facebook的Pro for Windows中有一個Facebook的塞進一個簡單的瀏覽器進行一個簡單的社交體驗所有最佳功能! 主要功能包括 該軟件允許快速訪問到您的Facebo ...

Firefox 32bit

Firefox 67.0 Beta 19 32-bit

下載 火狐 32
Mozilla Organization - 43.21MB (開源)
Mozilla Firefox是一個快速,輕巧整潔的開源Web瀏覽器。在其公開於2004年推出的Mozilla Firefox是一個瀏覽器挑戰微軟IE瀏覽器的霸主地位。此後,Mozilla Firefox瀏覽器一貫特色的3件最流行的瀏覽器在全球範圍。,都使得Mozilla的火狐如此受歡迎的主要特點是簡單而有效的用戶界面,瀏覽器的速度和強大的安全功能。該瀏 ...

下載 Firefox v55.0.2 apk android

下載 Mozilla Firefox 67.0 Beta 19 64-bit



下載 Firemin
Derick Payne - 1.66MB (開源)
Mozilla Firefox is a great web browser, however it does have drawbacks, namely it is loves to eat up memory. Firefox has always been affected by this issue and memory leaks are ...


Flamory 4.2.19

下載 Flamory
Flamory Inc. - 16.17MB (免費軟件)
Flamory is a bookmarking application that saves a copy of every web page and file that you see on your screen, so you can find them later. It can remember almost anything you fi ...


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